Sunday, June 16, 2019

What does Brisbane rhyme with?

I set up a few days in the city to do a little sight-seeing before my Workaway started. As with the previous few posts, I don't know what to tell you.
City Hall was great - beautiful building, cool information, nifty museum inside. The museum tour kind-of sucked (Here's this painting, look at it later. Here's this exhibit, you can read the wall plaque at the end.) but it was free. The area around City Hall was pedestrian friendly and it was easy to get over to the city library, which was also beautiful.

Unrelated - I'm not sure why Brisbane has a "City" Hall but other cities have "Town" Halls.
I crossed the bridge(s) and checked out the museum area (including a cool ANZAC exhibit) and the State Library. The State Library had a very cool "maker space" / creative space area that seemed very pro-citizen. I saw more exhibits and all that good stuff.

As part of killing another day, I wandered around the botanical park (as I did in Sydney) and visited the State Parliament for a bit of a session. Unlike in Sydney, I don't think I got on the broadcast.

My lucky streak ran out and I didn't win even a free drink at either of the two pub quizes I played in Brisbane. Met friendly people, sure, but it's always nice to get a free drink too! That said, one of the quizes was the worst I've been to - if you have to start your quiz with the announcement that "the answers I was given are the right ones" you're doing something wrong. Here are two problem questions:

  • What element is found in all organic life? ("Carbon" was the "correct" answer, but life-as-we-know-it wouldn't happen if Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen weren't all major components too.)
  • What is the plural of Mongoose? ("Mongooses" was the "correct" answer, but go ahead and open a dictionary - "Mongeese" and maybe "Mungoose" are going to be listed.)

An additional problem was that half the teams aced / came withing a point of acing each of the six rounds, meaning at the end of each round there was a tiebreaker question. I wasn't one of these teams (there was a lot of local / Australian stuff, which is fine), but it was frustrating to know I had no chance of winning anything without a perfect score (and if I got a perfect score, I'd still have to get the tiebreaker right). Sloppy questions, mind-reading the host, and frustration with gigantic teams made ruined the quiz.

That said, I had a lot of fun being out and about in Brisbane. On the 17th of May I got on a train to Ipswitch to meet my Workaway host, who would take me to his lakeside camp for a much-needed six-week stay.

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